What is R&D Department by C3’s intern Luis Wansing

Let us introduce you to Luis Wansing, intern in the Research & Development Department of C3. Luis will explain what the R&D Department at C3 do and how it help C3’s clients.

Let us introduce you to Luis Wansing, intern in the Research & Development Department of C3. Luis will explain what the R&D Department at C3 does and how it helps C3’s clients.

Research & Development represents the activities companies undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services or to improve their existing offerings.

At C3, R&D is an important department since technology is continuously evolving. The department does research to stay informed of the latest updates of the products and services C3 has to offer.
We also research new products on the market to be one step ahead of our competitors.

The R&D department takes a lot of time and resources. Technology does not have a pause button so constantly these is a new product or an update of the current product. And we should always be informed!
The department is able to research and analyze the products manufacturers are creating, as well as the new trends within the industry. This research aids the company in developing and updating the products available to its clients.

We do mostly online research and inhouse research using products and information sent by our partners and manufacturers. By maintaining a strong relationship with our partners, we are able to collaborate and solve problems together if needed.

C3 won an award this year in the category ‘Outstanding Example of After-Sales Support”. We demonstrate that with continuous update and developments we can support our clients with the latest version of our products or services. Clients can always ask a question or request our support when they encounter any issues.

What we encounter many times is that when certain programs have been upgraded all the functions or interface changes. Many new updates come along thus for the client it’s sometimes difficult to adapt. The R&D department is always available to help and support the clients in the transition by explaining the new features and/or handling of the new update.

The R&D Department is always happy to help with the best solution for your operation.

The Panic button explained by C3’s Raychel Mattheeuw

Let us introduce you to Raychel Mattheeuw. Raychel is the Network & Service Manager of C3. He already works 23 years for the C3 and is expert when it comes to Critical Communication Solutions. We interviewed Raychel about the panic button; an important feature of the NEW Motorola MTP 3550

What is a panic button and how does it function?
A panic button is a button with a special function on each radio. The button distinguishes itself from the other buttons on the radio, because of its orange color. The panic button has several functions; when pressing the button, a message is sent to all the radios in the same group. The radio will also start beeping and the screen will turn red and show an emergency sign/notification. The radio of which the panic button was pressed, will communicate with the other radios and the microphones will automatically be enabled. The receivers of the notification can listen to their radios if someone is calling for help.

In which situations would you use the panic button?
The panic button is used in case of emergency. If a security guard is being assaulted for example, he/she can press the panic button. The panic button can be programmed to overrule all other functions, which means that if anyone is talking through the radio, it will interrupt the call and notify the connected radio(s) that there is a problem. The radio can be installed to notify a person, a group of people or control room security officers. If the radio does not have a GPS, the location should be known in advance, so in case the person who pressed the panic button is not able to talk, the ones who get notified will know where to go or where to send help.

What makes the panic button unique?
It’s a life saving function that can be used with other functions as well, like the man-down function. If the radio falls down or there’s a lack of movement for 10-30 seconds or horizontal tilt, the radio will automatically transmit an emergency alert.

What are the main advantages of the panic button?
The panic button is essential for ensuring quality, safety, peace of mind and timely communication at work.

Is the panic button reliable?
Yes, because the radios are connected to our TETRA network, which is secure and reliable as it delivers always available communications. Even when the system is busy, transmission will still take place.

Can you share an experience of a customer with the panic button?
There once was a shooting at Caracasbaaiweg on Curacao and a police man pressed the panic button. Police troops headed immediately to the scene, which was tracked through real-time GPS location.

Do you offer several installation options for the panic button?
The panic button is a standard function in most of our radios. The installation options are tailor-made to suit every clients’ specific needs. For a bus company for example we did a custom installation where the panic button is directly placed on the foot switch.

What are the steps to take if interested in the panic button?
Contact our account managers at:

Yamilette Emerenciana
Margrietlaan 15, Emmastad, Willemstad
Tel: +5999 737 2477

St. Maarten:
Albert Kemper
A.Th. Illidge Road # 106, Madame Estate, St. Maarten
+1721 542 5414

Tecelly Donker
Ahmo Plaza – Av. Milio Croes 106, Aruba

They will be ready to assist you with the best solution for your operation.